dark Lava gravel View larger

dark Lava gravel


1-2 days*

1,67 € Tax included

1,67 € per kg

Product Information

This dark, completely untreated substrate is obtained from volcanic rock.
It contains many natural minerals and trace elements that are released over years and are absorbed by the roots of the plants.
The grain size of 2-4mm creates a loose soil structure and promotes water circulation and oxygen enrichment. Due to the porous surface, aquatic plants find optimal support and take root very quickly.
We have had consistently positive experiences with this substrate made of dark lava rock. We tested it for a long time on various aquarium plants. The natural bacterial fauna is completely preserved in this rock, and the necessary nitrifying bacteria develop very quickly.

The dark color supports the contrasting effect to the colors of shrimps, fish and plants. We also recommend the lava substrate for keeping Sulawesi shrimp; in conjunction with various rocks, it creates a natural environment for these shrimp. Over time, a 'biofilm' of algae, tiny growths and microorganisms forms on the surface of the stones, and this is particularly important for Sulawesi shrimp. In the natural habitat there are also a lot of stones in the lakes that are covered with this biological film, the shrimps are there searching and eating almost constantly.

This property is also ideal for other shrimp species and we also have many customers who use the lava bottom substrate on Red Bees or various Neocaridina heteropoda species (Yellow Fire, Red Fire, etc.) with good success.

This substrate is a purely natural product and is not colored or plastic-coated, it does not influence the water parameters in the aquarium within a large area. Please wash well before use, the substrate is clean after rinsing 2-3 times. We can now offer this lava soil in an even better quality with rounded grains.

Delivery in kilos (as an example: an order quantity of  'Quantity' 8 corresponds to 8 kg). 1 kg of this substrate has a volume of approximately 1 liter.


Substrate for use in: aquariums, terrariums, bottle gardens, Wabi Kusa

Manufacturer: AQUAMOOS GmbH
Heisenbergstraße 2
95643 Tirschenreuth, Germany

Only use for the specified purpose.

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